About Us

Since 1923, Fountain City Presbyterian Church has been faithfully listening for God’s call and responding boldly through faithful worship, impactful service, enriching fellowship, and loving witness. As a proud congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Fountain City Presbyterian Church has deep theological roots in the Reformed tradition, a tradition that helps us draw on the stability of our heritage and continue to look for new ways to authentically express our love for God, world, and humankind.

One will find that Fountain City Presbyterian Church is neither so big that they would become lost nor so small that they would lack meaningful ways to plug in and enrich their relationship with Christ through community. Through traditional worship, Biblically-focused Christian education programs, and meaningful mission opportunities, we believe that Fountain City Presbyterian Church can become the spiritual home for anyone seeking a warm community with deep roots.

Mission Statment

Fountain City Presbyterian Church seeks to be A caring community of faith proclaiming the good news of God’s love:

  • Through worship, study, and Christian outreach
  • Through a ministry of compassion, healing, justice, peace, and stewardship of God’s creation
  • Through opportunities for each person to seek Christ and make Him known.
What We
Joining The
Our History