What is the Session?
In the Presbyterian Church, we believe that big, important, and faithful decisions are best made when people gather together to pray, talk, and listen to one another and to God’s direction. The congregation elects “Ruling Elders” to make decisions for the church with the pastor serving as the moderator.
Information regarding the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s beliefs regarding ruling elders
The group of ruling elders at a Presbyterian Church is called a “Session”, from the Latin word, “sessio”, which means to “sit and talk about”. We are grateful that our church leadership allows for God to call anyone to serve on the session, regardless of gender, sexual expression, age, or experience. FCPC’s session is diverse and we believe that, through this diversity of faithful perspective, we are able to better discern God’s will and live into our high calling to be a faithful Church in Fountain City.

Fountain City Presbyterian Church’s Session
Fountain City Presbyterian Church’s Session is elected by the congregation and serves for three years and acts as the spiritual leadership of the church.
Clerk of Session, Dan Rhea
Class of 2025
- April Lamb
- Brett Miller
- Paula Rhea
- Tracye Robertson
- Carl Snow
Class of 2026
- Susan Espiritu
- Mike Lamb
- Shelley Miller
- Amy Ogden
- Alyx Wheeler
Class of 2027
- Johnny Biddle
- Don Grogan
- Pat Lipps
- Leigh Mosley
- Meghan Tidwell